Each year the Native American Alliance for Emergency Preparedness members take a self-assessment questionnaire to document their emergency preparedness. The alliance aggregates and analyzes this data to assess emergency preparedness as a whole.
Eigence developed an online version that greatly simplifies and speeds up completion of the questionnaire. Rather than re-type answers, users see last years answers and can easily keep (the common case) or change them. Users can partially complete the questionnaire and logout; when they return they are taken to the first incomplete section and can easily see which questions have been answered (green), which haven’t been (white). When they click ‘Change’ to change an answer, the question appears red until they click ‘Keep.’
Some questions have subquestions, which are only relevant, for example, when a ‘Y’ (yes) answer is given to the parent. The online questionnaire understands these relationships and only displays relevant subquestions.
The administrative tool allows the questionnaire creator to make various edits to the questionnaire by adding sections, questions, and sub-questions, and editing existing ones. The ‘View Status’ displays a color-coded table indicating for each clinic whether they have started, completed, or are in the middle of taking the questionnaire. The ‘Get Spreadsheets’ button allows one-click access to the latest aggregated data in the form of csv files.